Can you start burial planning as a young adult? Should you wait until you’ve reached a certain age? There’s really no “right” answer to this question, but consider this: many young people in Walterboro, SC have life insurance policies, or estate plans that protect their families and assets. There is nothing unusual or unnecessary about beginning burial planning even if you are a relatively young adult. In fact, you might find that beginning the process earlier can help you confront your own mortality a bit easier as you get older.
Reasons to get started early
There’s a tendency for us as human beings to look at things like estate planning or burial planning as things we can deal with later. The harsh reality, though, is that none of us can predict the time of our passing, which means we have no idea exactly how much time we have left on this earth. It could very well be that these aren’t issues we’ll be able to deal with much later.
Pre-planning a funeral or burial doesn’t have to be something you do only if you’re terminally ill or elderly. In fact, it can be a good idea to start this process between the ages of 25 and 35. This is the most common age range for people to get married and have their first children. These life milestones signal a significant shift in lifestyle, and give you other people aside from yourself to protect and consider. You’ll likely create life insurance policies, wills, trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives. While you’re planning your estate, it only makes sense that you plan for your funeral and burial in Walterboro, SC as well.
Pre-planning at a young age doesn’t mean you necessarily have to create an exact outline for how you want your funeral and burial to proceed. It does, however, allow you to write down some preferences about where you’d like to be buried or interred, what specifically you’d like to have happen to your remains, if there is a plot you’d like to reserve, any instructions you have about the burial or headstone and anything else you want those who survive you to know about your wishes.
Keep in mind also that just because you’re planning out some of these issues does not mean you’re locked into paying for funeral or burial expenses. While you might be able to get locked-in pricing or payment plan options that will save you a significant amount of money in the long run, this isn’t the sole purpose of pre-planning. Instead, it’s a process designed to give you and your family members some valuable peace of mind. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing all of these issues are taken care of and your family members won’t have to make any difficult decisions themselves.
Interested in learning more about what age to start burial planning in Walterboro, SC and the considerations you’ll need to take into account? Contact Steedley Monument Works today to learn more about our burial monuments and other products and services.