Headstone engravings require careful thought and consideration. There are so many things you likely want to say about your loved one, yet you may not know how to express it all in just a handful of words. The following should serve as inspiration as you brainstorm ideas for memorial engraving.
Reflect your loved one’s personality
The epitaph your family chooses should highlight the best parts of your loved one and who they were on this Earth. Perhaps the deceased was known for their unapologetic sense of humor or positive outlook on life. In that case, consider engraving a quote from their favorite comedian or figurehead that accurately reflects the values they stood for.
A headstone engraving should be unique to the loved one it seeks to represent. As family members discuss what to write, remember that generic epitaphs reflect everybody and nobody’s life at the same time. Create an epitaph you’ve never heard of before. That way, it will belong only to your loved one and everyone who was important to them.
Engrave their favorite quotes
You don’t have to create an epitaph from scratch. Brainstorm a list of your loved one’s favorite sayings, quotes, scriptures, poems and lyrics. A piece of literature is one of the best ideas for memorial engraving because it perfectly encapsulates what they deemed most important in life.
A quick look through their CDs or book collection will prove a great source of inspiration. Take note of bookmarked pages or lines that were highlighted. Maybe there was a hymn your loved one always looked forward to singing in worship services. You can’t go wrong choosing a quote the deceased held close to their heart.
Focus on happy memories
Let’s be honest, nobody’s perfect. Life is full of memories, both the good and the bad. As you come up with an epitaph, it’s important that you approach the task with a clear head. The headstone engraving should celebrate your loved one’s greatest achievements, not slander their name due to unresolved conflicts. Remember the good times you two shared, and let that guide your ideas for memorial engraving.
Keep it short and sweet
Whatever your family chooses, make sure it can fit on the headstone. The epitaph you settle on depends heavily on the headstone’s size as well as the type of material being used. Epitaphs are short and sweet, usually not more than a single sentence long. Creating an epitaph is difficult because nobody’s life can be reduced down to just a few words. With so many great options laid out in front of you, all that’s left is to choose whichever one feels right.
Once the whole family has decided on an epitaph, you’ll need the perfect headstone to accompany it. The monument makers at Steedley Monument Works are more than happy to assist you with the memorial arrangements. Get in touch to share with us which headstone design you believe is best for immortalizing your loved one’s memory. We look forward to serving you.